Birth Control Shot 101

  • What is the birth control shot?

Otherwise known as the Depo Shot, the birth control shot is an injection of progestin every three months. The shot is, intramuscularly, given in the upper arm or buttocks.

  • How does it work?

Pregnancy is prevented when the hormone stops ovulation from occurring and thickens the mucus on the cervix.

  • Does it prevent STDs?

No, the birth control shot does not protect against STDs or STIs.

  • Effectiveness

It is 94% effective, when administered on time.

  • Cost

The birth control shot can cost anywhere from $0 to $150, depending on insurance coverage.

  • Maintenance

A doctor’s appointment must be made every three months to receive shot.

  • Advantages

Prevents pregnancy

Only needs to be administered every three months

Approximately 50% of users stop getting their period after one year

May reduce risk of certain cancers and infections

  • Disadvantages/Side Effects

Doctor appointment every three months

Spotting between periods


Breast soreness


Weight gain


Longer periods the first 12 months

Most side effects disappear after two or three months

  • Prescription/Doctor Requirement

A prescription is required and appointments must be made every three months to receive the shot. Some doctors may allow you to administer the shots, yourself, at home.

Images by To Van, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, and Jan Zhukov from Unsplash.