The Story

About me

Wild Little Wing was first inspired by my lack of sex education in high school. While a Health class was offered, the main curriculum focused on promoting abstinence and instilling fear of anything that is sexual in nature. In order to learn about my sexual health and to receive any sort of relationship advice, I committed myself to online research. After having a difficult time navigating through the internet to find answers to my questions, I decided to publish Wild Little Wing in hopes that it will provide information on topics I did not get a chance to learn about at a younger age.

The website will cover several topics on sexual health, including: resources, relationship advice, mental health, identities, sexual health advocacy, and personal stories from a diverse group. Most pieces will be based on personal experiences, except for strictly informational ones.  Wild Little Wing has no intention of telling its readers how to navigate through their own sexual health journey, but to hopefully provide pieces that can resonate with and inspire them.