- What is the birth control implant?
The birth control implant, Nexplanon, is a thin rod that is inserted in the arm by a doctor and it lasts up to five years.
- How does it work?
The implant is inserted under the skin on the upper arm. It releases progestin to stop ovulation and to thicken the mucus in the cervix, thus preventing pregnancy.
- Does it prevent STDs?
No, the birth control implant does not protect against STDs or STIs.
- Effectiveness
It is over 99% effective.
- Cost
The birth control implant can cost anywhere from $0 to $1300, depending on insurance coverage.
- Maintenance
The implant lasts up to five years. During those five years you are protected against pregnancy. Doctor appointments are not needed after the implant is inserted, unless if you wish to schedule an appointment to take it out.
- Advantages
Prevents pregnancy
Lasts up to five years
It is more than 99% effective
Makes period lighter and reduces cramps
Some people stop getting their period after the first year
Only contains one hormone (progestine)
- Disadvantages/Side Effects
Spotting in the first six to twelve months
Breast soreness
Bruising and slight pain after implant insertion
The insertion location can become infected
- Prescription/Doctor Requirement
A doctor or a nurse must insert the implant, as well as remove it after five years.
Images by Billie, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, and Oleg Ivanov from Unsplash.