- What is the birth control vaginal ring?
The birth control vaginal ring is a small, flexible ring that can be worn inside the vaginal canal.
- How does it work?
The birth control vaginal ring contains progestin and estrogen, the hormones are absorbed through the vaginal lining. Ovulation is stopped and the mucus on the cervix is thickened, this ensures that sperm does not make contact with an egg.
- Does it prevent STDs?
No, the birth control vaginal ring does not protect against STDs or STIs.
- Effectiveness
It is 91% effective, when used correctly.
- Cost
The birth control vaginal ring can cost anywhere from $0 to $200, depending on insurance coverage.
- Maintenance
A single birth control vaginal ring has enough hormones to last five weeks. You can choose to insert the vaginal ring once every three to six weeks. You can also choose to skip your period by changing it after five weeks. If you don’t want to skip your period, you can take out the vaginal ring after three weeks, four weeks, or five weeks. Don’t put in a new one for 7 days
- Advantages
Prevents pregnancy
You only have to change it every three to five weeks
Can make periods lighter and regular
Can lessen menstrual cramps
May reduce risk of certain cancers and infections
Can reduce acne
You can skip periods
- Disadvantages/Side Effects
Must be changed on time
Can be taken out by accident when pulling out tampon or menstrual cup
Might be felt during certain sexual intercourse (but it can be removed during sex)
Spotting between periods
Breast soreness
* Most side effects disappear after two or three months
- Prescription/Doctor Requirement
The birth control vaginal ring does require a Doctor’s prescription.
Images by Billie, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, and Artyom Kim from Unsplash.